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    Welcome to
    Eaglescan providing a platform for originality in research
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    Proudly an African Solution
    to Check Plagiarism
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    Welcome to
    EagleScan is more than just a plagiarism detection software, it is the most sought for platform for every researcher
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    Legalize Originality
    Create original Ideas, Develop original material, Produce original work.

Welcome to EagleScan

EagleScan is more than just a plagiarism detection software, it is the most sought for platform for every researcher.

Responsive and adaptive

Our platform is designed to fit well on all devices and orientations, making navigation easier for all users.

All in one platform for researchers

You can proof read documents, compare documents, verify titles scope, check originality, peer review work and much more.

Multiple language support

EagleScan supports major International languages as well as selected local and indigenous languages.

Simple and flexible

EagleScan is simple and flexible to use by all users. It also has a full of documentations in text and video format.

24/7 Support

We provide 24/7 support to our customers using our ticketing system, email, phone calls and on our social media platforms.

Fast, reliable and accurate

Our platform is built on high level of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to give users acurate and reliable results in the shortest possible time.

Our price list

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